Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Detour Cover final finally

So this is my finished Detour cover. Detour is a comic anthology that comes out four or five times a year. This version does not include the artist's names and UPC code. Its a wrap-around so the girl will be on the front and the gorilla will be on the back. It will run fall of 2009 along with pages of my comic that I will be working on next semster.



mister reusch said...

i really love these colors and collage technique. very cool! congratulations on getting published. i'll bring in that dave mckean book of collage stuff for you to check out

Anonymous said...

O my darling this is absolutely lovely! The colors and the textures draw you in like a moth to light! i love how her hair flows and connects you to the back cover! I'm so happy you are doing amazingly at school! I miss you!